"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
Leonardo da Vinci

Monday, March 22, 2010

Number One Hundred

My attempt at illustrating the indescribable experience of soaring, has been my motivation for this flog. Although I'm not one for box scores, flight 100 piloting a sailplane stands out. More importantly, it was amazing and beautiful. A long tow to the mountains in the ASW-27B "Juliet-Hotel" put me at Goat Ridge, which was producing light thermic lift.
Most climbs placed me between 7500' and 8000'. I then broke out my seldom practiced skill, patience. I saw 9000' and immediately attempted driving towards Snow Mountain.
With a 20 knot North-East headwind and big sink I bailed back for my sure thing at Goat. With light lift and moderate wind, I kept drifting onto the Westward side.
I decided to hunt for lift on the safe side of the mountain. I knocked at the house thermal near Lett's Lake.
No one was home, so down ridge to the Tree Farm where I found moderate lift to bring me back above Goat.
After a couple hours in the mountains I realized today was not the day for big distance. I moved out to the foothills for a change of venue in my circling adventure.
I worked ratty wind blown lift in the foothills, then the valley, before landing on three-four at Williams straight into a 15 knot headwind after my 3.1 hour, flight 100 in the log book.

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