"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
Leonardo da Vinci

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Launching the Altar

A few years back, at a knoll known of as A-Launch atop a mount by the name of Tamalpais, I was fortunate enough to perform duties of Brides Man for a wedding of good friends. The story of becoming a Brides Man is best told another day so back to "A-Launch" ... a place noble enough to usher in marriage must make one grandiose hang gliding launch. I can think of only one other launch in Northern California which rivals it's majesty and you don't have to awake before dawn to fly here. The San Francisco Bay lies to the left and The North Tower of the Golden Gate Bridge stands tall through a saddle in the hills that seems purposely placed with The City just beyond.
To the right, a timber covered mountain, before a rocky shoreline and then of course, the Pacific Ocean.
A place where my friends find sanctity in matrimony is a place where I practice my own religion, and step into air.
Majestic views are easy to enjoy when you're not hunting for lift, that likely doesn't exist.
Over Stinson Beach, with launch lying on the distant ridge.
Pulling in, over the beach.
Glassy smooth air for the turn onto final.
I love landing on the sand.
Tamalpais tends to be somewhat unpredictable with sled rides dominate. But, an hour spent atop an altar, walking into air and ten minutes of felicity, descending onto a beach, rivals little else.


C R Valley said...

Yosemite is the only launch that rivals the mount known as Tam...excellent report and excellent sledder.

Matt Epperson said...

The merit of any launch could be construed on multiple facets, but if one is judging on the merit of shear beauty then yes, I say Glacier Point, then A-Launch. Although stunning, B and C Launches at "Tam," as you call it, can't stand against A with its full panorama. Thats why older folks were forced to walk the trail for a wedding and why I can muster carrying the S2 atop the distant knoll.