"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
Leonardo da Vinci

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Good Thermals Under Low Bases

In need of my weekly dose to weight shift soar, I arrive at Mount Diablo with cloud base scraping Juniper launch. The wind looks perfect as a typical winter cold front is approaching and although base could be higher I couldn't ask for more being that fall is over and winter has arrived here in Oregon. Off launch ridge lift is weak so I head out front to work below the strato-cumulus layer.
I find good thermals and spin it up below the clouds.
I am quickly greeted with wispies.
So I play near the edges.
Further away from the mountain base is even lower as a typical wintertime Diablo cloud dome has somewhat formed.
Although lift is good, cloud base is low; it's Thousand Footer time. I initially set up a bit high, but am able to pull it down between the trees as my Sport 2 has a tendency to fix problems, making any landing look and feel good.
Wait, isn't it September in California?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Devil (Mountain) rewarded the faithful. We doubters were left to grovel on the ground.

Maybe tomorrow...