"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
Leonardo da Vinci

Sunday, April 25, 2010

High Pressure Option "B"

This particularly nice April day brought Gerry, Ian, Robert, Mike, Bob and myself to Diablo to battle high pressure. With warm ground fighting a stable atmosphere two logical strategies exist off the Tower Launch. Head straight for Eagle Peak and arrive as high as possible or turn right off launch and try to bench up Ransom Peak. With mediocre success displayed by others I chose option "B" as I pulled below Bob who made it work.
I scratched, gained, lost and played. Since I had chosen this option I was determined and went down the ridge stopping at everything for a couple hundred up here and down over there.
Working the upper mountain was fun but put me below Eagle as I arrived. The steep West slope put up the usual fight with strong, rough cores making for exciting circles.
I managed to fall out of a tight core and after a solid turn in sink I scrapped through and out of Mitchell Canyon pretty low.
I worked the lower hills and benched up Mitchell Rock. The thermals were weak, but smooth and relaxing.
The crowd soared Eagle Peak well and reported it's typical high pressure rock and roll. We all landed at Mitchell LZ where Teri and Janet faithfully arrived. Although I don't know if option "A" would have resulted in a longer flight I thoroughly enjoyed my half hour on this gorgeous spring day scratching upper and lower Mount Diablo.

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