"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
Leonardo da Vinci

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Front With Texture

Conflicting soaring indicators had me bewildered as I set up at Mount Diablo. A strong cold front was due tonight. A visible marine layer over the North and East Bay hills led to good development south. Tattered Cu would form just above Juniper Launch but also below out in front. A nice SSW wind at 15 would occasionally lull to nothing. Only one way to find out.
After barely ridge soaring Juniper Launch I was off to the South-West Bowl which should collect thermals in this wind direction.
Once up in a small, strong, wind blown core all of Moses Rock Ridge seemed to be semi ridge soarable.
With the lift working only a couple hundred above launch, that is where I decided to play.
...and had fun diving at launch.
I played until my nerves couldn't take the scratching and texture any longer. Out to the 1000 Footer. With a decent South Wind I knew the rotor would be handful. I looked at my straight down tubes and promised to try to keep them that way. I set up high, dove through the rotor into the smooth wind above the hill top for a no stepper, phew.

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