"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
Leonardo da Vinci

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Finally Some Thermals

With a baby coming, a remodel going, overtime shifts rolling and the North East winds a blowing my feet have stayed on the ground for all, but only four days this year and we're well into February. Again today a moderate North East wind at Diablo offers an excuse to do something productive. The hell with productive, the lapse rate looks good and I need to spin some holes in the sky. Iffy launch conditions at the Tower prevail. Well if I'm patient and take a smooth enough, light enough cycle, I know I can get airborne. I do, and yes they're there, thermals of course. They're light, they don't go too high, but they're there for the first time in a long time, so I work them near Ransom Peak.
Working hard between Bald Ridge and Eagle Peak.
I find some nice solid cores out in front of Twin Peaks and Mitchell Rock, the best lift of the day.
Benching myself back on top of Eagle Peak.
My arms actually get soar as my total weight shift airtime this year is shattered on a single flight. Time to bring her home at a bumpy Mitchell Canyon LZ.
A tricky launch, a bunch of turning, a couple of low saves, more turning, rotor in the LZ and the sweetest feeling I've had for quite sometime. Finally some thermals.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you got out there! I'm looking forward to flying Diablo this weekend - it's been a couple of weeks and I need air!

What was going on at Mitchell that made it bumpy with rotor? West?


Matt Epperson said...

Yes rotor. But, it was coming off the tree line from the East. Smooth up high, then a big drop and turbulence, then dead air on the ground for a nice flare. Cool.