Today is the oldest I have ever been, so I decide to celebrate ... By doing what? ... Flying of course. Nick, who is exactly 22 years my junior has the same idea, for his birthday. But, in Nicks case there is more reason to celebrate, as today is the first day the law allows him to make the right of passage and act as his own Pilot in Command. Nicks first solo flight aboard the ASK-21, image courtesy of Valley Soaring Association.
The right of passage, soloing an aircraft, includes several traditions, one of which is the notorious bucket of water over your head after exiting the aircraft. As Nicks father is a member of the Williams Fire Department, this tradition is carried out as more of deluge than the standard bucket by use of the local Engine Company, image Valley Soaring Association.Alright, I can't top that birthday, but I can still fly, so off to the mountains aboard "JH" in tow behind "30Z."
The word beautiful comes to mind while I'm above Goat Mountain with Snow Mountain in the background.
Soaring conditions are weak, but this bare spot provides an amebic little thermal to play with.
An absolutely wonderful view to the North as I fly by Lett's Lake.
Heading back, with East Park Reservoir and the town of Stonyford under my wing.
Bringing her back home to the strip at WSC.
Although the day only provides an extended sled ride, I can't think of a better way of spending an hour and a quarter of my birthday.
Soaring conditions are weak, but this bare spot provides an amebic little thermal to play with.
An absolutely wonderful view to the North as I fly by Lett's Lake.
Heading back, with East Park Reservoir and the town of Stonyford under my wing.
Bringing her back home to the strip at WSC.
Although the day only provides an extended sled ride, I can't think of a better way of spending an hour and a quarter of my birthday.