After a nauseating ten minutes of bouncing up and down and never finding that magical wave we decide to leave the angry mountains behind.
I spot a nice looking Q over Walker Ridge. Gerry doesn't think we can make it. "But Gerry, we're in a sailplane." So we head over and spin it up, getting above our release altitude next to Indian Valley Reservoir.
Gerry enjoying the sights and some friendly foothill air.
After spinning a few holes in sky above the hills we head back to a beautiful and clear valley, soaked from recent rain of biblical proportion.
And put it on the ground one last time for 2010.
I met my goal to chronicle every flying day/trip for 2010. Real Pilots Don't Need Engines will continue however, I'm unsure if I can sustain the constant blogging pace and may resort to showcasing highlights of soaring life.
The 2010 Box Scores (I only keep a glider log book)
114 blog entries of only 117 flying days, 69 hang gliding and 48 sailplane.
Only 127.6 flight hours during 57 flights, Pilot in Command of a sailplane.
Average flight time 2.4 hours not including 3 pattern tows, 1 aborted takeoff and 1 instrument failure return.